Diary of a Library of Congress Intern

Ten weeks as a Library of Congress intern...

Location: Washington, DC, United States


July 25

I figured it was going to be a bad day when I missed the bus. I came outside like one minute too late and the bus drove right past me. I had to wait 20 minutes for the next one. Then, we ran into so much traffic on the way to the Metro station that it further delayed my getting to work. THEN, the next Metro wasn't arriving for like 7 minutes, which is ridiculous for rush hour. I finally got to work about an hour later than I had intended when I woke up in the morning. Not fun.

But, back to CD processing in the morning... I was hoping that would be okay because it was what I planned to do anyway (I prefer to divide my days) but I chatted with Gene in the morning and he said it was fine to do that. Thom never came upstairs, though. He "treasure" hunted all day. Ali, the little bugger, had left me some of her CDs to finish, which actually was fine, but of course they were briefs so a little more difficult. I've been doing a lot of briefs lately, which just isn't as fun as the others. I'm getting the hang of them, though, and Tran is back full-time so there isn't any question about who will look over my work. In fact, Tran took my nearly full tray of brief records to look over and I didn't hear back from her about any mistakes yet so I think I'm good to go. She doesn't care as much as temporary trainer Gina did - which is good or bad, depending on how you look at it. Personally, I'm glad I don't have to mark all the contemporary Christian CDs as "gospel" like Gina suggested because that just seems wrong. She looks at them as all the same but I feel like there is a difference. There is no category for contemporary Christian, which is ridiculous because at least 1/3 of all the CDs we process fall into that category. Of course, what do I know?

After lunch, I ran into Ali - who did not go home yet! She was supposed to fly out last night but apparently changed her flight and decided to hang out at the Library to rub it in all of our faces that she is still here but not working.

Anyway, in the afternoon, I tried to find more "treasures" and didn't really find anything today. I sifted through a couple more boxes and found some possibilities so I'll listen to them as the days go on.


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